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What does life coaching look like?
Life coaching is a collaborative approach where we work with you to establish desired goals and identify what is stopping you achieve them. We help you reflect using tailored techniques to come up with a game plan that lets you move forward. You remain in control of your decisions and we maintain confidentiality at all times.
Transformational life coaching allows you to explore your thoughts and feelings in a safe space with access to 1-1 professional support to reframe thinking and redefine purpose of life.
Successful coaching is a partnership and has accountability for both you and the Coach For a successful coaching relationship it is important to:
How soon can I see results?

People seek life coaching for all kinds of reasons. Sometimes our clients have specific concerns that they want to resolve, like losing weight, changing careers or developing healthier habits. Sometimes people come for life coaching because they want to feel happier, more productive or more in control of their lives. Most people get what they need out of working with a Life Coach between 4 - 12 sessions. People who are highly motivated “active learners” can go through the process more quickly.

How is life coaching different from counseling?
Counseling provides a safe and supportive system to help you gain the strength and clarity to cope with the current issues. Counselors like life coaches want to help you find and create a life you feel better about by providing an atmosphere of trust, non judgement and support but there are crucial differences such as:
Can life coaching work for children?
A parent is the best resource for kids when they are overwhelmed, stressed or unhappy. Where this is not possible, life coaching is a fantastic, strengths-based alternative for kids and teens. We focus on age-appropriate solutions. We work with individuals aged 15+.

What is hypnotherapy? How can it benefit me?

Hypnotherapy is a technique that is used to create a relaxed sleep-like state of mind (theta state) during which positive suggestions and guided imagery can be well received to help you deal with a variety of concerns, issues and habits you want to change. You are completely in control when under hypnosis and don’t have to take on any suggestions if you don’t want to. A normal human being goes through hypnosis at least twice a day just before s/he fall asleep and just when s/he about to wake up. These are also known as power states in which the subconscious mind is most receptive to positive suggestions.

Sabahat Ahmed is a Master Practitioner Hypnotherapy who is adept at using advanced techniques such as past life regression, gestalt, six step reframe, etc. to address deeper issues and drive transformational changes.

Click the link below to watch the live recording explaining the myths & misconceptions of hypnotherapy:

What is Neuro-linguistic Programming?
NLP stands for Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Neuro refers to your neurology; Linguistic refers to language; programming refers to how that neural language functions. In other words, it is the language of your mind. The knowledge, experiences and memories we gain over the years leads to creating our own realities and perceptions of the world around us.
NLP is extremely useful for rapid transformation and in overcoming fears & phobias linked to flying, closed spaces, presenting/public speaking, heights, animals etc. and in helping you get rid of cravings that you are not otherwise able to. Through advanced techniques, we interrupt and disrupt the neuropathways that cause us to behave in a certain manner. This is then supported by creating new neuropathways in order to remove anxiety, fears, phobias and other negative emotions emotions.
NLP is based on the following presuppositions:
What is NNRT and how does it help deal with trauma and other negative emotions?
Negative Neuropathway Reversal Therapy (NNRT) is a stand alone therapy that primarily uses bi-lateral eye movements and it can be used in tandem with Clinical Hypnotherapy, NLP, Coaching and Mindfulness. We guide the client to move their eyes in formulated sequences in order re-set the neuro pathways of the brain so that they then perceive the negative stimulus in a different light. It is proven to be very effective where neuro-pathways are firing and sending off negative messages and is used in the treatment of trauma, depression, PTSD, as well as almost any condition whereby you are ’ stuck’ or can’t ‘let go’ or ‘move forward’. The Brain contributes to homeostasis by mediating complex functions through sensory input, integration of new and stored information, making decisions and signaling actions (Tortora & Grabowski) and NNRT works on many levels of the brain to facilitate this process.
Are there any contraindications to NNRT?
NNRT is effective in treating all emotional conditions and trauma such as mental abuse, anger, confidence building, fears & phobias, general anxiety disorders, insomnia, performance nerves, smoking cessation, sexual abuse/rape, weight loss. However in the following conditions NNRT will not be used:

What is USUI Reiki?

The Japanese word ‘reiki’ can be translated as ‘universal life energy’ and the Usui System is a way of working with reiki to heal self and others in order to regain harmony and wholeness. The Usui System of Natural Healing, was founded in Japan by Mikao Usui, when he started his personals journey to discover healing and resulted in having contact with the cosmic energy Reiki. It has been passed on from one person to another through a specific initiation, teachings and a defined form of practice.

Usui Reiki addresses the whole person on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels and those that we cannot identify at the present. Sabahat Ahmed is a certified Reiki Master and uses Usui reiki to support you in addressing physical issues and emotional blocks at a deeper level by channelising the energy through the chakras; your energy vortex.

Reiki session can last from 45 to 75minutes depending on the issue that is being addressed.

What is systemic constellation?

Systemic constellation, also known as family constellation, is a modality introduced by Bert Hellinger in 1978 in Germany. It is an integrated approach based on the principle that we all belong to a family system and like the features we inherit, unresolved issues and traumas are also passed down through generations. A lot of the time the unexplained behaviours or series of events can be because of such entanglement,

Constellation sessions are conducted on 1-1 basis and also in group setting. We, at Ashmir, facilitate “Group Healing Circles” during which you can bring an issue to resolve and/or simply contribute to others’ healing journey. Get in touch to find out more!

How can constellation help?

Negative behaviour patterns can be so deeply embedded in us that no matter what we do, they don’t seem to go away. It becomes a limiting part of our life and rather destructive to our well-being. Constellation helps to identify the unseen reasons and bring back the natural order to life. It helps to acknowledge, accept and release the negative emotions.

How can constellation help?

Negative behaviour patterns can be so deeply embedded in us that no matter what we do, they don’t seem to go away. It becomes a limiting part of our life and rather destructive to our well-being. Constellation helps to identify the unseen reasons and bring back the natural order to life. It helps to acknowledge, accept and release the negative emotions.

When should I take a constellation session?
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